Top 5 des liens pour balader bébé à Nice

    Top 5 places for baby walks in Nice

    (photo credit Paloma Barret - PHOTOGRAPHER AT MUY IN THE VAR )

    Discover our selection of the best places to take your baby for a walk in Nice. These places offer safe environments suitable for toddlers, allowing you to enjoy moments of relaxation and discovery as a family. From green parks to promenades by the sea, Nice is full of charming places to take beautiful walks with your baby. Let yourself be guided by our top 5 and create precious memories with your little one in this magnificent city on the Côte d'Azur.

    Promenade des Anglais

    1. The Promenade des Anglais

    The Promenade des Anglais is a wonderful place for a walk in a stroller with a baby. The view of the Mediterranean Sea is breathtaking and there are plenty of green spaces for baby to play. There are also restaurants and cafes for a small snack or a drink.

    Website - Itinerary

    Phoenix Park

    2. Phoenix Park

    Phoenix Park is a real paradise for children. There are animals, exotic plants and play areas for children of all ages. There is even a small train to go around the park. Parents can relax on the lawns or have a coffee at the park's restaurant.

    Website - Itinerary

    old nice

    3. Old Nice

    Vieux Nice is one of the most picturesque areas of the city. The cobbled streets are lined with shops and cafes. There are fountains and places to rest and enjoy the atmosphere. The flower market is a must-see place for parents and children.

    Website - Itinerary

    The Albert 1st Garden

    4. The Albert 1st Garden

    The Jardin Albert 1er is a large park in the heart of the city. There are playgrounds, lawns to relax on and statues to admire. The park is also the site of many events throughout the year, such as concerts and fairs.

    Website - Itinerary

    The National Sports Museum

    5. The National Sports Museum

    The National Sports Museum is a fun and educational place for children. Interactive exhibits allow children to learn about the history of the sport and participate in fun activities. There is also a large play area for children of all ages.

    Website - Itinerary

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